"Caia's journey began in her childhood. She was born as a Clairsentient
who always felt the subtle energies around her but was unsure of
what it was or who to ask for help and clearer understanding.
She went through a big life shift in the year 2008 while she was living in France.
Caia had a near death experience which awakened her soul to her life purpose.
Her passion is helping others to transform, as she believes that
everyone deserves an enjoyable and happy life.
She has been guiding people to see the bright side of their life.
Her dream is for each individual that she works with to reach
their full potential in all areas of life"
Meaning of her name:
Caia= The Servant of God, Goddess of the fire, woman, healing and health.
To rejoice, GAIA
Toussaint= All Saint
Caia is qualified as:
☆QHHT Practitioner (Since 2012)
☆Master Reiki Practitioner
☆Clinical Hypnotherapist
☆The Emotion Code Practitioner
☆The Body Code Practitioner
☆The Belief Code Practitioner
☆Massage Therapist
☆Quantum touch Practitioner
☆Spiritual Counselor
☆Theta Healing Practitioner
☆The Reconnection Healing Practitioner
​☆Card reader (Oracle and Tarot)
Caia recommends...
Anastasia(The ringing ceters series :1-9)
Past Lives, Present Miracles (Denise Linn)
Same Soul, Many Bodies (Dr Brian Weiss)
Between Death and Life (Dolores Cannon)
New Earth (Eckhart Tolle)
Soul's Plan (Robert Schwartz)
The Alchemist
All books about Sri Sathya Sai Baba
David Avocado Wolfe's all books
Edgar cayce's all books
Soul's Gift
The Power of Now
Medical Medium (Anthony William)
The Water of Life
The Emotion Code
The law of ONE
Nausicca(by Hayao Miyazaki)
Bringers of the Dawn
Supernatural (Joe Dispenza)
The power of now
Healing Frequency (Jiulio Consiglio)
Videos of....
Terrence Howard
Robert Gilbert
Billy Carson
Dan Winter
Dr Masaru Emoto
Matias de Stefano
Teal Swan
Joe Dispenza
Peter Maxwell Slattery
James Gilliland
Skye Prince
Ebraham Hicks
Bradley Nelson
David Wilcock
Bruce Lipton
Gregg Braden
Graham Hancock
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Mary Rodwell
Corey Goode(GaiamTV)
Jerry Wills
Harvey Bigelsen (GaiamTV)
Andrea Perron (GaiamTV)
Doroles Cannon
David Avocado Wolfe
Donna Eden(Energy Medicine)
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Jim Kwik
Edward Group
Matt Kahn
Dr Andrew Katelaris(HEMP)
Max Igan
David Icke
Mary Rodwell
Dr Charlie Ward
Janine Regan-Sinclair
Marina Jacobi
Jiulio Consiglio
Michael Salla
The Weedy Garden
Geoff Lawton
Vasamma (Sri Sri Sri Vasudevananda Swami)
Spirit Sience
Infinite Waters (Divine Deep)
The Truth About Cancer
Souljourns (Youtube Channel)
Happy (Tom Shadyac)
I AM (Tom Shadyac)
What the Bleep do we know
Tune In
First Contact
3 magic words
Food Matters
The reality of truth
Mind the matrix
5G Apocalyps
The Green Beautiful (La belle Verte)
The Cosmetic Secret(2019)
First Contact
The Magic Plant
The little Big Farm
​Fall of Cabal
Thrive 1&2
Down the Carrot Hole
Sound of Freedom